Our Beliefs

  • God still speaks, heals, delivers, and saves through Jesus. John 3:31-36 
  • Jesus came to proclaim the good news, heal the brokenhearted, and set the captive free. Luke 4:18 
  • Knowing our identity in God’s eyes is imperative. 2 Corinthians 5:7 
  • Forgiving those who have wronged us is foundational to all healing and even our own forgiveness. Matthew 6:14-15 
  • We are in a spiritual battle, and thus need spiritual weapons to fight our enemy. Ephesians 6:10-18 
  • Every believer in Christ has been given power and authority over Satan and the demonic forces of evil. Ephesians 2:6 
  • Demons are real, but we don’t have to be afraid of them. Mark 5:1-20 
  • Demons won’t violate your will. Only you can give them access and power through your participation. 1 Corinthians 10:20-21 
  • Christians are possessed by the Holy Spirit, not by Satan. Romans 8:9-11 
  • Christians can be demonized, meaning that demons or evil spirits can be attached to our souls to tempt, bind, afflict, and torment us even after we are saved. Acts 8:9-24  
  • The power of our voice and profession to not only receive salvation in Jesus’ name but to break and cast out demons from our lives! Mark 9:14-29 
  • Demons cannot be discipled or counseled – they must be driven out in Jesus’ name. Luke 10:17-20 
  • All authority, all power, and all ministry come from Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20

Our Values

  • Every person has intrinsic value and a unique story 
  • Listening and following the Spirit’s lead at all times 
  • Immersing everything we consider and do in prayer 
  • Proclaiming healing and freedom in Jesus’ name 
  • Equipping believers to walk in greater victory and freedom every day 
  • Training and multiplying other called believers to lead inner healing prayer and deliverance ministry 
  • Partnering with communities of believers: churches, businesses, home groups, mission organizations 
  • Collaborating and networking with other prayer ministries 
  • Promoting the inner healing prayer and deliverance movement of God for our broken world 
  • Magnifying Jesus, His ministry, His Glory